Saturday, May 1, 2010

What I Want for Mother's Day...


I couldn't be happier that our house sold to the cutest little couple. The husband grew up not far from here on his own little backyard farm and was homeschooled as well. No, we weren't checking up on their background before we accepted their offer or anything.

So, we are getting the boot at the end of May, and have no where to go. Michael wants to live out of his car until we find a place, sounds fun huh? Then me and the kids will head up to Idaho to stay with is parents. Not ideal. I want to get going on a garden, so I can hopefully put in a fall garden. Not to mention, I don't think Michael's parents condo allows chickens, a dog, a cat, or a rabbit. Hmmm....
Is it too much to ask to get something like this?
I would even take something a little smaller, like this...
(image from 

Yes, it is too much to ask with our budget. Oh well, a girl can dream, right?

Other Mother's Day ideas. 


  1. Dream, dream, dream! You never know what you might find;) Congrats on the sale - that must feel fantastic!!

  2. Wow! Marisa, that was a fast sell! Didn't you just put it up on the market? Congratulations! Still waiting on mine to sell. Now I'm waffling as to whether or not I still want to sell. My husband however keeps me focused on getting debt free.

    By the photos I can see you have excellent taste in houses!

  3. LOL, those two homes make me cringe. Just imagine trying to clean them! And let's not discuss the power bill. Ha ha.

  4. Wow! I think our house would fit on the porch!

    I don't like big houses. They're creepy at night lol

  5. I know my current house would definately fit on the front porch. Big houses scare me too, so do old houses.

  6. Amy, we sold it in two weeks! We didn't want to announce it until the inspection and appraisal came back. Good luck on your house.

  7. Those houses are beautiful! Good luck in your search.

  8. Here is one more try Michael and Marisa

    See a wonderful property available at:

    Can you imagine raising your children in the shadow of a civil war battlefield. Can you imagine them playing in the woods and river that surround your property with all that wildlife – turtles, fox, raccoons, deer, groundhogs, rabbits, snakes, and myriads of birds? Can you imagine horseback riding or kayaking on a moments notice. Can you imagine producing almost all your own food – fruit, vegetables, meats, eggs, and milk and perhaps selling the extra to neighbors or to the farmers market? Can you imagine your goats or sheep or broilers or layers or other animals that you keep in your barn. Can you imagine space for your dog to romp freely or your cat to explore? Can you imagine the mesmerizing June twinkle lights of thousands of fireflies dancing in the trees? Can you imagine the dark crystal clear skies of a winter’s night? Can you imagine cutting and splitting your own wood for the winters warmth of the fireplace on which to roast chestnuts?

    If you can imagine all of this then buy the property above and your dreams will come true.


  9. Congratulations on selling in a tough market. I pick house #1.

  10. Congratulations!! Wow! That was fast!!

  11. We will miss you. I also want a house like that someday. It would be so awesome to live in an old big house.

  12. Marisa, are you planning to move to Idaho? Or just needing a place to stay until you find a house? You are totally welcome to stay in our basement suite if you want to.

  13. Jamie,

    You are so awesome! I'm not sure what we are going to do right now. I was really hoping that the perfect house would just appear as soon as we sold our house. We are now talking about renting an apartment until we find something. Thank you so much for the offer!
