Sunday, May 16, 2010

As if I didn't have enough to worry about...

Now I get called to jury duty. I know, I know, it is my duty as an American Citizen, but did they have to choose this week!?!?

We close on our cute little backyard farm the 25th, the only thing I asked for on Mother's Day was a house. I didn't feel that was asking too much, but I didn't get it. None of the homes have felt right yet.

Michael had grand plans for living out of his car, while I lived 200 miles away in Idaho. I just couldn't handle being that far away from him for that long. So we decided to get an apartment. apartment?!?!? This is not what I anticipated! But I'm hoping that in the end my new backyard farm will be worth the wait.

So we are packing up basically everything and putting it into storage. My house looks looked like it threw up on itself. Pretty graphic, I know, but it is the only way to describe it. We are taking just the very basic necessities with us to the apartment so the dog bed went out to the storage unit and we took our bed off the frame and just have our mattress on the floor. We left for two minutes and look what became the new dog bed...

My bed!

The kitty likes to hide under my bed, but can't now that it is just a mattress on the floor, so guess where she has now chosen to hide out: 

the baby's crib.

This is not good people!

We think we have found a home to "babysit" our chickens.  My friend Nora wants to get chickens, her husband does not. They negotiated a trial run with ours to see if they are a good fit for their family. I'm sure James will come around.

Kitty is coming with us to the apartment.

I still need to find a temporary home for Jada (our dog) and Rodrick (the bunny).

Wish me luck!


  1. Wow, talk about stressful! Hopefully renting the apartment for a little while will give you the time to find just the right homestead. It'll be cramped and stressful for a little while but'll pay off in the end. Too bad I don't live closer... Jada looks like a sweetie.

  2. I'm so sorry you're having to go through all of this extra's especially hard to let your animals go... even when it's just a temporary arrangement. Hang in there.

  3. Oh my goodness, sounds like a stressful time! Someday though, you'll look back and laugh. :)

    Coincidentally, my husband also got a letter calling him to jury duty last week. He wasn't very impressed--these things never come at a good time, do they?

  4. I was wondering how you guys were doing. I would offer to take jada and the bunny but I doubt you would want to drive out here just to drop them off. You're in our prayers hoping you find the right home, and that you stay sane in that small of a place. Hope it all goes okay!

  5. Yowza! I'm sorry for all your stress. Too bad you can't combine jury duty with a homeschool lesson. Backyard farming-wise, this must be the worst time of year to be in such a huge transition! Maybe the owners of the new house you find were as thoughtful as you -- and already planted a garden for someone else to enjoy.
