Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Ideas

Easter is sneaking up on me, and I'm fed up, like most of you, how we get lost in the commercialism of our holidays. This year, I vow not to give into peer pressure or to worry about what other kids in the neighborhood are getting or doing. We are going to do something different....but what??? I need help, I need your ideas. How do you make Easter a special day without a ton of candy?

I am going to dye eggs because that is something that we enjoy doing as a family. This year we will NOT be buying a $1 dye kit from Walmart, we will be using natural ingredients to dye our eggs. Click here for instructions on that.


  1. I'm feeling the same way but haven't yet decided what I will be doing. I'm really tempted to let my 8, 6 and 5 year old know that the Easter Bunny doesn't exist.

  2. I agree! Great post! I am really trying to stress to my kids that money doesn't make you happy. But any time I get a chance to put a little magic in their lives I take it. (tooth fairy, leprechaun's, etc.) So this year the easter bunny will leave each child's empty basket outside their door and he will hide eggs all over our farm. He will also leave a trail of eggs that leads to a group treat basket. It will have some stuff they need like tooth brushes and socks, but a very little bit of candy and lots of art supplies. I used to buy up all the little easter toys at the store to only have to throw them away shortly after. Rookie mistakes.

  3. Perhaps because I had a diabetic brother, my childhood Easter celebrations never included much candy. We'd color eggs Friday night and the Easter bunny hid the real eggs (never plastic, candy-filled ones) for us to find Saturday morning. My mom always made sure that this type of Easter celebration was separate from and smaller than our Sunday religious observance.

  4. Brookie, I love the idea of art supplies, I think I'm going to use that idea.

    Jennifer, I like that the celebrations are separate, I'm going to use that too.

  5. What about an egg-and-spoon race for the neighborhood kids? Give them each a spoon and a hardboiled egg. Have them race to the finish line, and first one there with the egg on the spoon wins. NO holding the egg on the spoon with the other hand!

  6. Kate,

    Thanks for another great idea, I'm going to use this one too.

  7. Beautiful eggs, Marisa! So much prettier than the artificially died variety.
