Friday, February 5, 2010

Project Microwave

Last night while I was making soap with my friend Nicole, my microwave caught on fire. I love that my fire alarm goes off when your bread starts getting warm in the toaster, or there is steam coming off of a pot of water on the stove, but when something is actually on FIRE, it doesn't go off. Lovely!

This old thing is going in the garbage, and we begin "Project Microwave". Project Microwave is a project to see how long my family can go without a microwave.

Today starts day 1 of Project Microwave.

My husband Michael, has no idea that I want to do this, so maybe if he isn't on board, we may last only one day. We will see.

I was bummed that I couldn't warm up my birthday dinner leftovers :(


  1. My wife is just a little crazy.

  2. Interestingly enough, my family has been using our microwave a lot less since it started acting up. It's been in our basement and nobody feels like going down there to warm up food so we started steaming and using the toaster oven or the stove to warm up leftovers. It may take a few minutes longer but can be done and after a while you won't miss it.

  3. Michael,

    Your wife is a little crazy.

  4. My neighbors have never had one because the husband (much to the wife's dismay), feels they give off dangerous radiation. If this family outlives us all, I guess we'll never know ...

    Good luck with your project. No matter the object, I think it's admirable to try to live with less. Although, I would have a really hard time with this one in the summer. That's the only way I can stand to cook, when it's so hot.

  5. We lived in an apartment for four months before we bought our house and didn't want to buy a microwave knowing that the house we bought might have one. I got so used to not using a microwave that when we moved into our house I still didn't use it for a long time! You'll be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to manage.

  6. we lived in Italy for 2 years w/o a microwave. It's no big deal, just warm everything on the stove, it ends up tasting better anyways.

  7. You're not least not to see how long you can go without a microwave. I put mine in the attic in September to see if I could really NOT use it. It was actually my husband's idea! I do miss it for heating leftovers but that's really about it. I have to plan ahead to thaw anything frozen but a good quick thaw in the sink does the trick! Good luck going microwave free!

  8. We got rid of our microwave almost 10 years ago and have never looked back. A toaster oven doesn't take up any more space, is better for you, and does just as well. The only real issue with not having the microwave was having to think ahead a little bit about defrosting meat. Good luck!

  9. We've been whitout microwave since 1999 and we never miss it! You just get used to do things in other ways. Try to fry your dinner left overs in a frying pan instead. Or heat in oven.

  10. I just made my first batch of soap a week ago - that solved my laundry detergent issue.

    Good luck with the microwave.

  11. ours died and we went a day before we "stole" my mom's out of storage. I use it only for certain things, like cooking the perfect rice.. My boyfriend on the other hand, has never owned one and doesn't care if he ever does... (He lives in his own house) I say Good luck! you will remember how things got done before microwaves! :)

  12. But how did the soap turn out? Is it warming the oils that caught it on fire? I caught our family's microwave on fire when I was a kid - making took WEEKS for the stench of burned sugar to get out of the house.

  13. Holly, it was while I was melting the oils that it caught on fire. I had stuck a large plastic mixing spoon in with it, which made it so the lazy susan inside couldn't turn. The handle of the spoon got jammed in the heating unit and the spoon melted/burned. I took the spoon out and turned the microwave back on and it caught on fire. Luckily the oils weren't harmed, but I had to hurry and get them in a pot on the stove.

  14. I made it about 6 months without a microwave (and could have gone longer, but my boyfriend owns one) The only thing I missed was microwave burritos! Everything else tasted so much better reheated in the toaster oven and on the stove! Good luck!

  15. We have happily lived without a microwave for almost 2 years now. I don't even miss it!
