Monday, January 11, 2010

Fairy Gardens

After reading Cameron's article about interior landscaping, I was looking for some options to make a "living" center piece for my kitchen table, and I came across fairy gardens. There is just something about miniatures, I love them. I'm not sure it is what I'm looking for as a center piece, but I REALLY want one for my yard.

How fun would it be to have it tucked in a corner of your yard for visitors to discover?
Has anyone made a fairy garden? I think my daughter needs one....ok, I need one.
I found the pictures here, here and here. The third link has information on making your own.



  1. Oh my goodness. Now I have to make on. dammit lol

  2. I love these! I feel all inspired to go out and adopt a fairy or two to make a little house for!

  3. Garden Pheenix, that made me laugh because I felt the same way after seeing them.

    The family, if you make one, send us a picture, I would love to see your version.

  4. What a wonderful idea!

    I moved to a 65 acre farm June 2009 and am planning my spring vegetable and flower garden. A fairy garden will be a great addition...thanks for sharing.

  5. Wel actually YES I had a great faerie garden, right up until our last puppy came along. She duly destroyed it, the little horror! I plan to rebuild it when she is a little older! Sigh

  6. So happy to see our products went to a good home. Thanks for the beautiful inspiration and what a terrific blog!
