Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bibbidi, bobbidi, boo!

What a difference two weeks makes!

Here are our pumpkins two weeks ago:
And here they are now:


  1. I'm like you -- I love pumpkins!

  2. Wow thats quick growth. How lovley. Our garden is down to a few stray leeks and a couple of lettuces that self seeded and popped up in the middle of winter. I am ready to prepare the lot for spring planting.

  3. Mine are about where yours were two weeks ago, but I am happy to see that yours are still on the vines without added supports. Mine are staked in a similar fashion and i was a little worried about what would happen when they got bigger.

  4. Ours have had a similar growth pattern. We planted "Giant" french heirloom pumpkins in the front yard and, boy have they grown. Of course, now all the vines have powdery mildew and I'm just trying to keep everyone healthy til fall.

  5. I just found your blog and love it!
    I've been reading a lot of your past posts to catch up. I have one pumpkin vine that goes behind my lattice work, through my cherry tree, down into the tomatoes and a large pumpkin is now hanging off one of the tomato cages. I think I will support it with stakes and a piece if cloth tomorrow.
