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Sunday, July 19, 2009

100 Degrees of Peas

I want to share with you a success story from my garden. It has been in the 90s all week here, even reaching 100 degrees, yet my pea plants are still producing. I saw more blossoms when I harvested today -- amazing! The seed variety is Lincoln.

You really should look for it.

The heat of summer, after all, is a great time to buy seeds. What's that you say -- you've already planted everything? So you're telling me that your mind is too occupied with weeding, watering and harvesting to possible think of any more seeds?

Well, take a welcome break from your chores and head to the store or pore over a catalog. Since there isn't the same demand for seeds right now as during the early springtime boom, stores may be looking to unload their stock for less.

It's standard for seed packets to be marked with the year they were processed. This does not mean you have to use them that year! Seeds can last for several seasons when stored in a cool, dry place (like the refrigerator). Maybe during the spring you passed up on purchasing a certain seed variety because you realized you'd already missed the planting timeframe. Obtaining discounted off-season seeds now and storing them carefully is a cost-effective way to get a jump on future plantings.

Plus, now is the time to plan for fall crops. Veggies that like the coolness of spring can be planted in late summer to mature when temperatures drop in the fall. I'll plant my peas again in November.

In the meantime you know I'll be checking out every seed rack I see. Help me form an educated shopping list by sharing what seed varieties have been a perfect match to conditions in your own gardens.



courtneyb said...

I didn't know you could plant peas again in the Fall. Awesome. I haven't had much success with mine thus far, so it will be nice to give them one more try later in the year.

So can you also plant lettuce when it starts to cool down?

Jennifer said...

YES! Lettuce is a great crop to grow again. So are spinach, chard, kale and even broccoli and cauliflower.

-Sydney- said...

Just an addendum to the seed storage--you can store them in the refrigerator, but they should be inside an impermeable container because the fridge itself is not a dry place :)

Dan and Dee said...

Fresh grown raw peas are my very very favorite thing in the world! Ours are doing well, coming on, BUT I leave for the States on Wed. boo hoo I guess Dan gets to eat all of the peas! At least he will get to have the delicious green yummies. I will send you a picture of my pitiful patch. They may be pitiful but we will enjoy everyone one we get!