Saturday, April 11, 2009

Omlets Anyone?

If you are in the market for some backyard chickens, here is an option for a pre-made coup. It is sleek, sophisticated, and has everything you need to start raising a small flock.

Here is what I liked about it. First, like I said, it has it all, a roost, run, and a hen house. It also includes some free extras like a waterer, feeder, shade provider and 10 egg cartons. It has a great modern look and modern colors, there is no way those pesky neighbors would complain about the look of this baby. It seems like it would be easy to clean and collect the eggs. It has a skirt around the bottom to keep predators out.

The Facts:
  • You can order the omlet with or without chickens.
  • They deliver anywhere in US.
  • It houses up to 4 medium sized chickens/6 bantams (bantams are a very small breed chicken)
  • $495 without chickens, $20 more get 2 chickens with it, additional chickens $10

My economist husband wouldn't go for it, he had a spread sheet charting how many eggs we needed to produce to pay for our recycled coop!

But for ease, looks, and space, for some this product may be worth the cost.



  1. Marisa,

    In Michael's spreadsheet, did he subtract out the cost of a lawnmower and lawn fertilizer which will be replaced as you uniformly rotate this easy to move Omlet across your lawn and the chickens do that work for you?


  2. I did not. These studies were done before we had chicken. What I did not realize at the time is the benefits from chickens that I can not put a price on. A few include, healthier eggs, teaching my children responsibility, and lower blood pressure as I watch the chickens peck around our yard. You just gave me an idea for my next article Dale.

  3. I found an ad for these in the back of british magazine. Aren't they adorable? My not be cost effective, but they won my heart over with the design!!
