Monday, September 29, 2008

Good-bye Girls

If you didn't know, my husband and I have put our backyard farm up for sale. Legally it isn't supposed to be a backyard farm, given our postage stamp size lot (.11 acre) and zoning laws. We have prepared everything inside our home to look just perfect, uncluttered, cleaned, organized, etc. I realized that there was one feature of our home that may not be as appealing to prospective buyers. A chicken coop. Now to most of the readers of this blog out there, it is probably acceptable, but I have found the general population does not want a flock of chickens in their backyard. I just couldn't bare to get get rid of all my chickens, so I decided to keep two of the seven. This was somewhat of a difficult decision for me to make, who do I keep, who do I give away, and who is going to get the ax?

I contacted my friend Holly who just got her first flock of chickens this year. Her husband built her an amazing chicken coop, she has a great backyard, and I trust her to care for my chickens. When I asked her if she wanted them she was glad to take them, but asked if she could give two of them to a mutual friend that didn't have chickens, but would like some. Well, of course! If I can get someone started with their backyard farm, that is great! So Shannon is getting two of the girls and Holly is keeping one of them. I couldn't be happier. The ladies are going to good homes. Holly and Robbie when they came to pick up the girls.
Every little boy needs chickens
Holly is holding Jane Doe, she got her name because she wasn't named for so long, I ended up calling her that. She got Jane Doe and Red Hawk (not pictured) both are Red Sex Links. She also took Power Ranger who is a Rhode Island Red (not pictured).

Now, I did mention that someone was going to get the ax. It wasn't hard to decide who was going to be sacrificed. I have two Delaware Whites that I bought when they were 12 weeks old. I never got to properly bond with those girls. They had never been held as babies and were not fond of us picking them up. There is just something extra special about raising your chickens from chicks. Plus, the Delaware Whites are very noisy at 7am, their poop is extra wet and it is stinky, and they are a dual breed meaning that they are good egg layers and good for meat as well. They are still pretty young, so the meat should still be good.

My Chilean neighbor is willing to teach me how know.....I'm starting to get cold feet.....I don't know that I can go through with it......killing a chicken. I thought I would try to take advantage of learning a new skill from my neighbor before we move. We will see if I can go through with it or not.


  1. I ended up keeping Red Hawk and Power Ranger. Jane Doe went to Shannon along with one of my younger Red Sex Links named Minnie.

  2. Marisa,

    Gird up and complete the circle of life for those chickens. Especially if your neighbor will teach you how to do it. I konw it is hard.


  3. can't you find some mennonites?

  4. Just think of all the reality shows you could skate through if you could dress out chickens - fear factor, survivor...

  5. Wish you luck! But glad you have found a home for your chickens!

  6. My city-slicker aunt and uncle butchered their own chickens one summer when I was visiting (I was eleven-years-old). One word of advice I remember--don't pierce the gall bladder or you'll have yuck all over your meat. Good luck! If my aunt and uncle can do it, you definitely can!

  7. ha ha! just have my older brother kill the chickens. He did it on his mission and would send video. It was so gross! They just run around after there heads are chopped.

  8. Betty, do you remember you showed me the video of your brother killing the chicken. I asked him at the party last week to come and do it for me.

  9. You can do it!!! You're so brave to hand your other girls over to new people. You're lucky to have someone help you with the Delaware Whites!
