Thursday, July 17, 2008

20 Minute Breakfast from the Backyard Farm

6:00 am: Thank you ladies!

6:03 am: Summer squash!

6:04 am: Green peppers!

6:05 am: Onions and tomatoes!

6:10 am: Veggies sliced thin and ready for cooking!

6:15 am: Eggs fried sunny side up! Veggies sautéed in olive oil with herbs!

6:18 am: Eggs on bed of veggies garnished with fresh sliced tomatoes!

6:20 am: Healthy! Ecological! Inexpensive! YUMMY! Not a single ingredient you can’t pronounce!
I love backyard farming!


  1. Dale, I love this post! It just shows how easy it really is to have a great local meal! That looks really yummy by the way - can I stop by at 6:30am tomorrow?

  2. Em, by the looks of it, you better stop by sooner than 6:30 -- something that yummy will be devoured by 6:22 at the latest!

    Dale, this was great!

    Hey -- does anyone out there know how to deal with furry thieves (squirrels, I suspect) stealing ALL of my squash blossoms? They're all torn clean off the stems as soon as they bloom. I thought about covering the plants but worry that would disable pollination. I'm getting frustrated!

  3. Looks Good Dale. We had our first summer squash for dinner the other night. I love fresh garden vegetables and fresh eggs!

  4. Beautiful! Looks sooo delicious! I love backyard farming too!!!
