Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Book Review: A Slice of Organic Life

Well, it is still winter and still too early to be doing many things out in the garden so I bring to you another book review that can help in that planning phase.

Now, while this book may feature chickens on the cover don't assume this book is about chickens only. In fact, that is just one small section in an excellent book for anyone interested in adding some simple tasks to help improve the environment and simplify their own lives.

The book is divided into three chapters or sections. The first is entitled "No Need for a Yard" and has articles ranging from "Grow Salad Leaves in a Bay Window" to "Bake Bread" to "Make and Freeze Baby Food". The second section is for those with a a little more space - "Roof Terrace, Patio, or Tiny Yard." It's articles contain notes on raising veggies or fruit trees in pots/containers to square foot gardening and more. The third and final section, "Yard, Community Garden, or Field" gives some instruction on keeping chickens, ducks, geese or pigs; making "Freshly Churned Butter"; or making a "Wildlife Pond". This is just a very brief overview of the topics it covers - it really is quite a resource with many different ideas and projects to explore!

One of my favorite quotes from the book comes from the chief editor, Sheherazade Goldsmith:
"Working with nature rather than against it only helps to simplify and enrich our lives."
I found this book in a local book store but it is available from Amazon for quite a reasonable price and I'm sure will help inspire you this season as well as become a great addition to your coffee table book stack! The book provides plenty of practical instruction as well as beautiful photos - which is a big deal to someone like me! So, whether you live in the city, a suburb, or out in the country this book and it's organized articles is sure to give you plenty of inspiration in your quest for a backyard farm. Or patio farm - or perhaps even a kitchen window farm!



  1. i really want this book. i'll go see if i can find it tomorrow. :)

  2. I picked this book up second hand at a thrift store. I thought it covered a lot of topics, and would be most suitable for anyone just getting started in all things organic.

    I donated my copy to a local green book lending library, as I thought it was just too good NOT to share!

